Registration forms are available on this website (link below), in the front foyer of St. Agnes Church, as well as the school building. In person registration will be offered on Saturday, September 9th from 10 AM – 12 PM in the school. Please be sure to complete your registration form and send it in with the donation before the start of classes. Materials and instructions will be handed out at registration.
More Details
For Levels 1-6, volunteers will escort the children from Greenport Elementary to St. Agnes, please advise the school that your child will be attending and give permission for them to walk with us. Our program will adhere to all New York State guidelines and safety protocols.
This year for the classes 7-9 we will again use limited in-parish small group gatherings, online video sessions and at home assignments to help our older students on their journey of faith. It is our hope that throughout this year students will continue to grow in relationship with our Lord and others! Students are required to attend all scheduled retreats, seminars and gatherings as they occur. These events may be scheduled on a Saturday, Sunday or Wednesday and we will do our best to avoid conflicts with sports, music, drama etc.
We will continue to use the Flocknote Platform for communication (text and email). Please make sure your contact information is up to date.
Don’t forget to take every opportunity for family “faith talk” and interaction and please join us for Mass on Saturday evening or Sunday morning!
We need your help! Catechists are needed at various levels in our program. Have you ever considered sharing your faith with the young people of our parish? We would very much like to bring our Level 7-9 students back for in person classes but can only do so if we have volunteers to teach! Please call the Faith Formation office at 631-477-1422 if you can help!
Adult Faith Formation